Category: Publications

Bridges Lab Publishes Paper on the Role of Glucocorticoids in Adipose Tissue


What Were We Looking At? Cushing’s Disease is caused by a pituitary tumor that constitutively secretes ACTH, resulting in chronically elevated cortisol levels. Excess glucocorticoids are known to be associated with increased adiposity, increased muscle breakdown and insulin resistance; however, the process by which these occur is not well understood. Therefore, we wanted to determine… Read More

New Paper from the Solomon Lab on PTEN and Insulin Resistance


Diabetes Mellitus is a disease of absolute or relative insulin insufficiency, i.e., DM1 (absolute) and DM2 (relative). The US now has a very costly epidemic of obesity with enormous negative impact on public health. This obesity very frequently leads to DM2. These patients are usually obese, diabetic, hypertensive, hyperlipidemic and at high risk of coronary… Read More